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Summa Medical Library

Library Help & Information

Library Help

Do you need a particular article? We can usually help you find it or provide it to you through our Document Delivery Service.

If you're not sure how to find an article, just call (330-375-3260) or email ( We will assist you. If you're interested, we can also teach you how to find the full text on your own.

When you contact us to request a certain article:
  • Let us know as much reference information as you have about the article. If you know the PMID number, please include that information in your request.  (Some articles do not have PMIDs)
  • For best results, email or fax us that information rather than leaving it on voice mail.
  • If you have a list of two or more specific articles that you need, please do not call in the information you have. Instead, scan the list of references for the articles that you need and attach the scan to an email to OR copy/paste or type the article references into an email to us.

* We will not print out online articles for you, nor will we fax them to you. However, we will be happy to email them to you.

Do you need to find articles on a certain topic?  We can help you through our literature search consults/tutorials

Literature Search Services

Due to staffing levels, the librarians cannot provide customized literature searches for all Summa personnel.*  However, librarians ARE available to provide tutorials and consults to assist you in your effort to find information/articles that you need.  We provide both:

  • In-Person One-on-one Tutorials or Consults On How & Where To Search: Call (330-375-3260) or email ( the Summa Medical Library to set up your appointment. 
  • Phone Tutorials or Consults: = Pre-scheduled phone appointments are recommended. Call (330-375-3260) or email ( the Summa Medical Library to set up your appointment. Impromptu phone consults are possible, but subject to librarian availability at the time of your call.
    • For best results, both the caller and the librarian should be sitting in front of their computers during the phone call.
What Can I Learn from a Librarian Tutorial/Consult?
  • We can help you better utilize the library's website and point out resources that might be helpful to you.
  • We can teach you better techniques for your own searches for the literature and information you need. 
  • If you have searched on your own and have not been able to find what you need, a librarian may be able to work with you on terminology that will yield better results.

* Librarian-mediated literature searches are usually available to attendings and managers & above

Are you trying to find out if a certain journal title or eBook is available to you through the Summa Medical Library?

Check the Full Text Finder:

Or call (330-375-3260) or email ( the library for assistance.

Are you looking for a hardcopy book?  Look in our online catalog that has Summa Library's holdings: NEOLINK

We are testing a new service!  

Book delivery straight to you through interoffice mail! That means that borrowed books can be sent to you at any location that receives interoffice mail through the Summa interoffice mail operation (including most SHMG offices).*  They can also be returned to the Library through interoffice mail.

*A few of our books may not be able to be sent through interoffice mail due to their being particularly heavy or fragile.  This will be decided at the discretion of library staff.

The Library Staff

Wendy Hess
Medical Librarian

Charlotte Sievert
Medical Librarian

Kathleen Walker
Clinical Informationist


Rachel Hamilton
Medical Librarian


Location, Contact Us:                         Library Hours & Access:


Located at:

Akron  Campus, South Pavilion, Ground Floor, Suite G-3

General (Staffed) Hours:

8:00 - 4:30, M-F


Mailing Address:

55 Arch Street, Suite G-3,
Akron, OH 44304

Badge Access:  Your Summa badge is required to enter via the badge reader. Tap your badge to enter. If your badge doesn't work, ring the doorbell and a staff member will let you in. You must have your badge with you and be able to show it to the librarians, even if off-the-clock. 


Main Phone, Email, Fax:

Phone: 330-375-3260 
Fax:  330-379-5034 (new fax #)

Who Can Use Summa Library:  All Summa employees have access during staffed hours. The library is not open to the public.

After Hours:  All physicians, residents, and fellows have after-hours access via badge proximity reader. Other types of staff may contact the library to request after-hours access